On loaves and fishes

People who show strength in times of adversity are so amazing!

The late Maurice Carter was perhaps the best example of that. My relationship with this kind and gentle man was life-changing for me. I could not imagine serving 29 years in prison on a wrongful conviction. Beyond that, I could not imagine his attitude after spending all that time behind bars. I would have been a raging bull, I'm afraid.

My reason for bringing up the subject is a short note that I received at the HFP office this week. We had received a kind donation from my friend Brenda, who doesn't really have the means to be giving money to HFP. What she does have is a big heart, and that's the amazing thing about this beautiful woman. If you had all the facts before you, you'd see that she has serious physical issues that affect her mobility and even her eye sight. She has dealt with more pain than you and I will ever have to endure. And yet her faith is rock solid, her optimism remains high, and she takes on the role of encouraging me in this work with prisoners. How special is that?

With her gift to HFP, which she considered to be a small contribution, she enclosed this note: I pray the Lord to bless you and HFP. He takes the five loaves and fishes and makes them WAY more than enough. That's our God!

Yes he does.

Thank you, Lord, for the loaves and fishes.

Thank you, Lord, for Bren.


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