Michigan's shameful treatment of mentally ill inmates
It doesn’t take long to figure out what’s wrong with Michigan prisoner Mr. T. You don’t have to spend hours trying to decipher the awkward hand-writing in a meandering 5-page letter, or the stack of poorly prepared grievances, or the attached medical and psychological reports. Here’s what you’ll find: - two suicide attempts -personal attacks by inmates -verbal abuse by guards -various medical issues, some serious, some treated, some not -misconduct tickets, often for “insolence.” Mr. T. is mentally ill. This subject keeps rearing its ugly head as Matt and I try to address the problems of inmates. A good share of our prisoners are mentally challenged, staff-members aren’t properly trained to handle them, and many fellow-prisoners don’t know how to deal with them. As a result, tragic stories, hundreds of them very much like this…and nothing happening! Reading between the lines, it’s easy to see how staf