Putting hardened criminals back on the street?
Beware! Democrats want to put hardened criminals back on the street in Michigan! That’s the essence of a warning in a recent Detroit News column. Just for the record, I’m not a novice. I’m an “old-school” editorial writer. In my career as a broadcast journalist spanning nearly 3 decades, I wrote and aired hundreds of editorials about issues in my community. I think there was a clear difference between my opinion pieces and those being written in newspapers and aired on TV these days. On occasion a listener would chide me for trying to persuade people to think my way. My immediate and strong response was NO. Instead, I simply wanted people to think! Period. I raised the issue, and expressed opinions, to prod listeners into doing their own research on the topic allowing them to reach an informed opinion. I get the feeling that too many of these cable news commentators and flaming liberal or conservative columnists have goals of high ratings…integrity be damned. Many seem inte