Remembering our veterans behind bars: Still heroes!
The Government calls them “justice-involved veterans.” They’re former service members now serving time under the supervision of the criminal justice system. On this Memorial Day, I’d like to pay tribute not only to incarcerated veterans in the State of Michigan, but also to the Michigan Department of Corrections for its treatment and care of veterans. How many are in prison, and what brought them there? Well, there are more than 100,000 military veterans locked up in prisons throughout the United States…some 2,000 of them right here in Michigan. More than 98% are men. According to the VA, more than half of “justice-involved veterans” have either mental health problems or substance-abuse disorders, most notably alcohol or cocaine addiction. In addition, a large percentage are also homeless or at-risk for homelessness, and many others face such challenges as finding work and reintegrating into society. Sadly, these vets also may be at higher risk for suicide. What c