Happy new year?

Major issues in Michigan prisons took no holiday vacation.

Minutes after the new year arrived, word of problems also arrived at the HFP office.

From one facility in the UP, one of our good friends was assaulted in a prison bathroom. Later he contacted his family and asked that they try to persuade his warden to place him in protective custody. He was fearing for his life. Happy New Year!

From another facility in the UP came word that violence at that prison continued in full force. An inmate was stabbed in the eye. We are told that when he was rushed to the hospital, they also discovered that he had a broken neck from being stomped on. The story doesn't end there. Word to our office was that by the time guards returned to the man's cell to take care of the victim's property, they discovered that it had all been stolen. Happy New Year!

Speaking of stolen property, an incarcerated pastor reported to us that he and his comrades were locked in the gym of an Ionia prison for four hours during a shake down. That wasn't the major problem. When he returned to his cell, he discovered that his legal work for the past 6 months on a federal appeal was gone. When he complained, guards informed him that he's a prisoner and his property can be searched at any time. Search is one thing, he argued, but theft is another. That's when they transferred him to another prison. Happy New Year!

And those women who are complaining about the heat? Some guy came in the other day to check on the problem, and turned up the fans on the cold air return! No one is certain whether he was just having a bad day or whether this is retaliation for the girls griping about the frigid temperatures. They're hunkering down and adding more layers of clothing. Happy New Year!

FYI, thanks to your support and gifts, we're at the side of all of these people trying to help when and where we can.


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