Let me repeat the question

So here's the latest chapter from Lois.

Her son Kevin, now home and on parole---thank God---was mistakenly arrested! Can you believe that?

A week ago, on a Sunday night, someone is at the door and says Kevin violated his parole. No paper work to prove it. His Parole Agent was not involved, and didn't even know this was going on.

Now you gotta remember that this is not a normal situation. Kevin was incarcerated as a little kid, a juvenile, on a mickey mouse charge...mainly because he was and is mentally challenged. Thus began a long, rocky road in the prison system which doesn't know how to deal with the mentally ill. His mother deserves a badge of honor for her fight all of these years to keep him alive and well, and to get him outta there. It was a living hell...serious injury, serious abuse, suicide attempts. But Kevin is free, and he's doing well.

But then someone says he violated parole and must go to jail. Lois is beside herself, because she remembers that day years ago when Kevin went to jail and had a meltdown which resulted in a trip back to the Michigan prison system.

Well fortunately, that didn't happen this time. Kevin's medications kicked in and he handled it well. Lois was able to contact the parole officer and persuade her that there had been a mistake. She knew Kevin had not violated parole. And within four hours, he was released from jail.

No one is explaining the error. No one is apologizing for this terrible episode.

If family is important to the MDOC, and if we really do want to take measures to make sure the mentally ill get appropriate care, there MUST be some safeguards against situations like this.

Shameful. Unacceptable.


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