New style, old tunes

I've got a fun evening planned for Thursday the 24th, and I'd like to invite you to join me.

I'm going to be jamming with some of my favorite musicians, playing some of my favorite gospel tunes. I've been plunking out familiar gospel melodies for about the past 69 years, but these guys are serious musicians and they're really good. John Mulder is leader of the pack, a recording artist whose vocal style and guitar work are an absolute delight. Lee Ingersoll, our son-in-law, is not only a fine singer but an excellent percussionist. Cal Olson is one of the most versatile musicians I've ever met. He not only sings, but he plays a wide variety of instruments. David Mulder, John's brother, is a gifted singer and horn player.

We don't bring a note of music with us...just titles of hymns, and simple information like words to the verses, what key we play the tune in, who plays the intro, who sings, etc. It's very informal, requests are accepted, and it's fun. Really fun!

The session will run from 7-9 PM in a coffee house called Mocha-n-Music on Cherry Avenue in Hudsonville, and it has been scheduled for an important reason: HFP is very low on funds. This is a fund-raiser. The musicians take no compensation...all money donated goes to HUMANITY FOR PRISONERS, and is tax deductible.

Come and be blessed. Bring others who like this kind of music. Coffee and taste treats are available.

If you live in our part of the world, I'll hope to see you Thursday evening.

If you're too far away to make the drive, find out how you can hear this music on our album SWEET FREEDOM.


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