Where does the money go?

When you make a tax-free contribution to HUMANITY FOR PRISONERS, how is the money spent?

Excellent question!

Here's what's been happening this week, and it's only Wednesday:

Monday Parold Board interview for Gino. When our good friend Ron, who has been free for one whole year, informs us that his friend Gino has more than paid his dues with 30 years in prison, will make an exceptional citizen and deserves to be out, how can one turn down a request to participate in the interview? I drove two hours, waited in the prison four hours, spoke for two minutes, gave the prisoner a hug for 10 seconds, then drove two hours again. One full day, but a fruitful day! Would I do it again? In a heartbeat! But the office was closed for the day.

Tuesday In addition to handling a steady flow of requests for help arriving Monday and Tuesday, we were able to complete two applications for the commutation of sentences for two worthy prisoners. A stack of unfinished applications awaits our attention. Prisoners are anxious and impatient. Meanwhile, a church in the southern part of the state expresses interest in helping an incarcerated juvenile who gets no visits. Thank God!

Wednesday The day is just getting started, and one of our special friends asks if I would be willing to participate in a PB interview in the UP. You don't say "no" to friends! Within a few minutes, another of our friends contacted us. A co-worker has a son in prison who cannot get any meds for debilitating migraine headaches. Will we help? That's what we're here for. Still a third message on the computer: a beautiful, ordained minister is concerned about a mentally ill juvenile in prison. May she help? We'll put the wheels in motion!

It takes stamina, an extra measure of God's amazing grace...and yes, dollars.

WE partner with YOU in this business!

P.O. Box 687
Grand Haven, MI 49417


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