On help from churches

I was one of the narrators in our church's annual Maundy Thursday service last night. I was struck, once again, by how much our Lord was tortured and abused as a prisoner, prior to his execution based on a wrongful conviction.

I and others had been trying to persuade someone in some church in one of Michigan's prison towns to help one poor child who is sad and alone in an adult facility. No success. Not one taker!

Said a friend of ours who is an effective fighter for prisoners, and has a loved one who is incarcerated:

I will continue knocking on doors to try to find someone who will take this kid under his/her wing. This is really sad to me that we can't get churches jumping on board! They send money all over the world to support causes they don't even know about, but cannot take on caring for someone in their back yard?? Sorry, I have developed an attitude about much of this. I was raised in a very legalistic faith-based setting, and have struggled much with it all in recent years, particularly when I see things like this.

What about your church? What about you?

A ponderable subject for this Easter weekend.


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