Fridays can be unpleasant!

Today's stack on my desk was particularly discouraging:

A worried mom informed us that her imprisoned son, already depressed following the death of his only child, is now being placed in a compromising situation where it appears he'll get written up no matter which we he turns, and he has done nothing!

A mentally ill juvenile wrote to inform us that he has been placed in segregation (private cell 23 hours a day, one hour of freedom) for his own protection because he's in an adult facility! If you or I put a teenager in a cage 23 hours a day, we'd be arrested!

A courageous prisoner in a unit for the mentally ill sent affidavits: ...they do not know how to deal with mentally ill patients. They simply say they're disruptive and abuse them, ignore them, or place them in restraints of all kinds! They leave some of these guys there for days and in their bodily fluid waste!

But then, just when I'm ready to put my fist through a wall, a former prisoner whom we helped reach freedom last year, walks into our office: Will you be my best man in our wedding?

I thought of these words of Dan Borchert:

But here is the thing. Whatever happens here has not knocked God off His throne. He is still in charge. He is still in control. And He still is the King of kings and Lord of lords.

Have a great weekend, and keep prisoners and keep HFP in your thoughts and prayers.


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