You ain't seen nothin' yet!

Instead of passing along more heart-breaking stories this week, it's time that we pass along some of the reasons for excitement in this office!

-We're working on a new blog radio broadcast! Stay tuned.

-HFP is developing an innovative new prisoner letter-writing program, to be launched next month at a seminar in a Grand Rapids church!

-A 20-minute excerpt from a new, professional play about the lives of Maurice Carter and Doug Tjapkes will be read before some 300 attendees at the National Innocence Conference this month in Houston!

-A re-entering citizen, whose two life sentences were commuted thanks to the efforts of HFP, will have his own apartment in just two weeks, after spending the past ten years in prison for crimes he did not commit!

Times are tough, but I'm not asking for a bail-out!

I'm asking that you ensure that this incredible momentum will continue by making a tax-deductible donation today! Lives are being touched, thanks to you.

Doug Tjapkes, President
20 W. Muskegon Avenue
Muskegon, MI 49440


Ron Ross said…
What Doug fails to mention is that it was through HfP that I obtained those commutations, without him it could not have been, when no one else would listen DOug told the Mich parole board and Gov. that this was the right thing to do. No one wants to hear about an innocent man in prison, especially after he already served 11 years, Doug made them is humbling to know this man, he spends his very own money for a cause he believes in, many a night I would get emotional wondering why this man would do these things for those he does not even know.. the answer is because he feels it is the right thing to do, what a wonderful place it would be if everybody did the next right thing.

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