ONE DAY in the office!

The roller coaster goes up---Prisoner A
I just wrote my last letter to you. Next week I’ll see you in person!

The roller coaster goes down---Family of prisoner B
After saying he would help, our attorney now does nothing!

The roller coaster goes up---former prisoner
I can’t tell you how much I’m enjoying my freedom!

The roller coaster goes down---Prisoner B
The judge’s decision knocked the wind out of me!

The roller coaster goes up---Prisoner C
Thank you for responding to my letter---thousands do not!

The roller coaster goes down---Grandmother of mentally ill Prisoner D
They have my grandson (15) completely locked down and he gets no mail!

The roller coaster goes up---Prisoner E
I think you are an extraordinary man and the work you do is invaluable!

The roller coaster goes down---Prisoner F
I would rather lay down and die than to quit fighting, but I’m running out of steam!

The roller coaster goes up---Prisoner G
I don’t know what I’d do without you. I love you!

Your continued support of HMF is invaluable! Please!

Doug Tjapkes, President
20 W. Muskegon Avenue
Muskegon, MI 49440


Ron Ross said…
The ups are always good of course and though we all dislike the lows when they come, that is the time it always seems that Doug is reaching out his hand to try and pull you up, sometimes push you there, he maybe lower than your low at that time but he will be pushing from the bottm to make sure your head stays above water. I know, I was many times as low as it gets, Doug was always there in thoguht, spirit, prayer and so often physically, spending his own time and money to help those that cannot help themselves. The man deserves the Nobel Prize. Ron Ross

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