Michigan's train wreck

So here's a sample of what Matt and I have on the HFP plate today.

A guy writes from Chippewa that his meds for acid reflux have been stopped. When he wrote a grievance, they simply told him to stop eating the food that causes the reflux. Well,that's the food they serve him...albeit in small portions. So, his only alternative: stop eating. And that's what he's doing.

A guy writes from Cotton that his friend has been slashed in the face by members of a Latino gang, which, he claims, has rule over the prison yard. As a result of the attack, they're in lock-down.

A woman wrote from the only facility for women, located in Ypsilanti, that the MDOC Director came to check on the problem of no toilets in one unit, due to remodeling and repairing. As a result, five portable toilets were brought in. But, to date, no one is allowed to use them. They're just setting there.

The wife of a prisoner in Newberry reports that she still has no response to her pleas on behalf of her husband who is dying of cancer. She simply wants him to be home in his final days. So far the state is dragging its heels.

The friend of a prisoner in the Roscommon County Jail is wondering what's going on. The guy served a federal sentence, then was to serve a state sentence, but the MDOC claimed it had no room so it placed him in this county jail up north. Things aren't going well there, and he's now in segregation. That means he's in a small cell 23 hours a day.

All this while we're trying to prepare testimony for a public hearing in Jackson tomorrow for a deserving female inmate.

All this while we're trying to come up with fund-raising ideas, because there are bills to pay.



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