Place the blame where it belongs

One will be hard pressed to explain how a court case suddenly gets propelled into the national spotlight. A criminal defense attorney pointed out to me the other day that we have cases right here in Michigan that are much more compelling than the Kaylee case.

Whatever the reasons, the public suddenly was bombarded with details of this case day after day. And now that the public has been exposed to all of this information, people seem to feel that they probably know as much or more than the jury knew. Since the not guilty verdict was reached on the murder charge, people are outraged. How could the jury make such a serious error?

It reminds me of the OJ Simpson case. People were convinced that OJ had commmitted the crime. How come the jury didn't reach a guilty verdict?

Well, I'll tell you how come, in both of these trials. The prosecution screwed up.

It's time for you to quit placing the blame on high profile criminal defense attorneys. I'm tired of hearing that these attorneys will do anything to win. I'm sorry, but they're hired to win. That's what they do for a living. Here's the bigger issue: One of the main causes of wrongful convictions is PROSECUTORIAL MISCONDUCT! Where is the screaming and shouting that Prosecutors will do anything to win? Let's face it. They win re-election by winning in the courtroom. Talk to any Prosecutor currently in office. He/She won't boast that justice has been reached during their reign. Instead, they'll boast that they never lost a case. Which is more important?

So here we have prosecutorial misconduct as a major cause for wrongful convictions, along with the fact that one may not sue a prosecutor.

Casey Anthony has been found not guilty, and as a result, I suspect we'll start seeing better-prepared cases from prosecutors around the country.

It's not the fault of an unethical defense attorney that Casey is free.

The blame must be placed squarely on the prosecutor who failed to even establish a motive and a cause of death, but still insisted that he/she could prove premeditation. The jury got it right. The jury abided by the law and by the instructions of the court.


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