
In the past day and a half I've had an amazing number of telephone calls from people wanting money. This in a time when money is tight, conditions are tough, and people can't pay their bills. I'm sure the society helping leukemia victims is worthy, certainly we must worry about homeless veterans, and I know that my alma mater Christian high school needs dollars to keep going. That leads me to my point: It cannot be easy for YOU to make an intelligent, informed decision when it comes to donations to charity.

There's a battery of fund raisers hammering on your door daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. It doesn't stop.

It's no wonder that HUMANITY FOR PRISONERS is struggling. We're a tiny organization with a budget of $100,000 a year. We don't hire out to get the envelopes stuffed and stamped. We do it ourselves. We don't pay lobbyists. We testify ourselves. We don't beg volunteers to visit our prisoners. We go ourselves. We don't hire professional publicity people to write our newsletters and email pitches. We write them ourselves. We don't make up syrupy stories about tragedy and hardship in the prisons. We tell the truth about things that are happening here everyday.

I am humbled by the fact that, with all of these people clamoring for a piece of your small line item in your personal budget for charities, you continue to help us. It means more than you know. Please continue to help us if you can. I promise you that we treat every penny given responsibly...we don't waste a cent. Your dollars touch lives, and are not spent on professional telephone solicitors. They follow us right into prison.

We're not making ends meet, so if you wouldn't mind telling others how you have chosen HFP to be included in your monthly contributions, please spread the word.

Thank you.

Thank you.


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