The reality of the situation

A friend of ours just received a horrible letter from a Michigan prisoner! He said that a 300-pound bully was assigned as his cell-mate. The man's anger erupted, he threw her friend around in the cell, choked him, and finally her friend had to make a decision that neither you nor I can possibly imagine: He could either rat on the guy and be branded a snitch for the remainder of his time in prison, or be subjected to a rape. His mind in a turmoil, not wanting to be in jeopardy the remainder of his time in prison, he reluctantly chose the latter. Later he was so ashamed he tried to hang himself!

His letter was still in my mind this afternoon as I listened to a speech by an official telling of a new, positive attitude in the Michigan Department of Corrections that hopefully will reduce the rate of recidivism. The prison system that was the topic of his discussion sounded like a different one than I know.

Pray without ceasing for prisoners! Unless you've been an inmate, you'll never know their plight!

We'll keep on keepin' on, but we NEED you!

Doug Tjapkes
20 W. Muskegon Ave.
Muskegon, MI 49440


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