Ending the week on a dismal note

The frustration continues this week.

This year we've been trying to help the supporters of an Oklahoma prisoner who has a compelling claim of wrongful conviction. Our data base, www.prisonet.com, usually works quite well for families and friends of prisoners. This time, nothing seemed to work. Every agency refused to help.

Besides that, the prisoner has apparently been the subject of abuse.

Quoting from the letter in front of me:

While in prison, guards have, at different times, broken his nose, toe, knee cap, jaw, tooth, and permanently injured his head, back and hand, in retaliation for his attempts to find someone to help him. This has been going on for 17 years, with guards twice trying to get inmates to kill him. For 3 1/2 years they have refused medical services.

No church in Oklahoma will become involved in helping any state prisoner except female prisoners with children. Over 300 have been contacted. All said that the Oklahoma Department of Corrections won't let them!

Any ideas we're missing here?

Doug Tjapkes
Humanity for Prisoners
20 W. Muskegon Avenue
Muskegon, MI 49440


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