Dragging for funds

It's drag race time again! Twice a year I participate in the pure stock muscle car drags, driving a 1963 supercharged Studebaker Lark. Last spring, the races had the potential of being a fine fund-raiser for Humanity for Prisoners. But it rained, and we didn't do very well.

We're going to make things very simple this year, and the ball is in my court.

The races will be held Friday and Saturday, September 12 and 13, at Mid-Michigan Motorplex near Stanton, Michigan.

I claim that I will be able to coax this little car to reach one-quarter mile in less than 14 seconds! I'll pick only five of the best runs of the two-day weekend.

I'm asking you to make a pledge to HFP for every run UNDER 14 seconds, of those five. In other words, if you pledge $10 for every run under 14 seconds, and I happen to be successful in all five runs, you owe HFP 50 bucks. Last Spring, on the first day, I got below 14 only one time! You won't have to pay until after the races, when I have the proof.

How much per run will you pledge for those five quarter-mile tries? Just send me an email, and I'll keep the records.

Your pledges will be my incentive to do my best.

All contributions will be deductible.

Ladies and Gentlemen, start the bidding!

Many, many prisoners thank you.



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