RIP, Danny Jones!

Like her or not, one must admit that Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi took the high road on that sad day in 2017 when a gunman opened fire on a practice for the Congressional Baseball Game. Republican Whip Steve Scalise was seriously wounded. Said Speaker Pelosi: “On days like today, there are no Democrats or Republicans, only Americans united in our hopes and prayers for the wounded.” 

In other words, “If you take a shot at one of us, you take a shot at all of us.” 

That’s what I’m feeling today after hearing the news about one of our prisoner advocates. 

Last weekend the movement to end perpetual punishment suffered a great loss with the tragic death of Danny Jones. The name probably doesn’t ring a bell with you, but those of us involved in prisoner advocacy knew of him and his work. Danny was a former juvenile lifer determined to bring about change. He was associated with several state advocacy agencies, but is best remembered as a founding staff person for Michigan Collaborative to End Mass Incarceration (MI-CEMI). Friends and associates said he always worked to include every voice, especially the voices of those most impacted, and to move toward building solutions. 

Ironically, his life was taken in the very madness that he was battling. Investigators say Daniel Jones was shot at a Detroit gas station on November 19th. Police are still searching for the shooter. Witnesses told investigators the suspect was a man wearing a mask and blue backpack, who fled in a car. His friends and family are heartbroken. 

A candlelight vigil was held Tuesday honoring this man whose inner fire burned for a more fair and equitable justice system. 

Danny won’t see the day when this gun craziness wanes, but perhaps his successors will. There have been at least 607 mass shootings through November 22 this year. It’s becoming the new norm. That is, until it involves someone close to you. 

The Board of Directors of Humanity for Prisoners, as well as our staff and volunteers, extend sincere condolences to the family and friends of Danny, as well as to our many friends in this business who were or have been his co-workers. 

Back to Nancy Pelosi’s statement again: “When you shoot at one of us, you shoot at all of us.”


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