One day at a time

Sharon, our church secretary, commented yesterday on my walking ability. I had stepped sprightly up the church sidewalk. She talked about the contrast with my manner of walking just a few months ago, when I struggled to get out of the car, took a moment to get my bearings, and then slowly ambled up to the church door. Of course it's all relative. I hadn't resumed going to church until last Thanksgiving. A vicious multiple attack by a staph infection had nearly claimed my life more than once, kept me from church from Easter to Thanksgiving, and had me on a feeding tube for my only nourishment for six months straight.

And I agreed with her. It's just exhilarating for me to walk in the sunshine today, a glorious, sunny Michigan day with temps in the 70s.

But I must say that after a narrow brush with the grim reaper your mind works differently.

For example, a flu bug got the best of me a few weeks ago. I didn't panic, but I'd be a liar to say I didn't worry. How I dread the thought of having that infection return.

But, the flip side is that I give thanks to God for every great day like this...for every day that I feel so good. I'm not fully recovered from that ordeal and maybe that'll never happen. But I am indeed grateful for the gift of health every day. It's a shame that it took a scary experience to make me that way.

I encourage you to be thankful for every good day. It can all change in a heartbeat.

We'll celebrate together.


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