The magic of music

We're all old enough to realize that magic doesn't exist. And with our age has come the inevitable element of cynicism creeping into our thoughts, words and deeds. But I hope that we're also young enough to recognize that there are, indeed, magical moments. A small rag-tag group of musicians had that experience yesterday.

I am honored to have musicians John Mulder, Cal Olson, Lee Ingersoll and Dave Mulder surround me as I plunk away at the piano. And I must confess, some of the moments are magical.

We met yesterday in a church setting to record the instrumental track for what will be a classy CD of gospel favorites, done in a homespun, folksy way. John's guitar work is absolutely masterful. There's no other way to describe it. Then we blend in the bass work of Cal Olson, who, like the rest of us, never places a note of music on the stand in front of him. It just comes from the soul. Cal adds the haunting sounds of breathy whistles to the mix. As with all music, percussion is the spine, the back-bone, and that is provided by our son-in-law Lee Ingersoll, a true metronome. And finally, as every cake must have frosting, we have Dave Mulder, who pours his emotions into the lush notes of the cornet and flugelhorn. Is it any wonder that I enjoy playing the piano with this gang? I just go about filling in the cracks in the only way that I know how.

Well, that was the instrumental track. Now comes the vocal track. John serves as lead soloist, but often he will be joined by tenor Cal Olson and baritone Lee Intersoll with some of the sweetest three-part harmony you'll hear. More magic moments.

Cal's capable wife Vicki served as our recording engineer for phase one.

We're hoping all of this will be ready in time for Christmas. All of the musicians are donating time and energy and yes, even dollars, to make this happen as a fund-raising project for HUMANITY FOR PRISONERS.

The magic isn't over.


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