On returning a small favor

So I thought I was just doing this prisoner from California a small favor.

In a letter to HFP, he asked for the names of some Innocence Projects in his area. While we spend almost all of our time on Michigan cases, we try to be kind to every prisoner who contacts us And, as is our policy, we sent a personal letter and some contact information from our data base to Humberto.

Like the one leper who returned to thank Jesus, Humberto wrote back.

These next few lines, I hope, will bring a smile to your day: I am diligently working in the translation of
-your pamphlet
-your mission statement
-and your devotions booklet WHY? into Spanish!

It will take some time, but you will receive it from me.

A small gesture of gratitude---since my funds are scarce---for the help that you have provided. Gracias!

(Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world!)

Proverbs 11:25 "...whoever refreshes others will be refreshed."


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