He won!

If someone said that Spencer Hassevoort, 12, son of Mr. and Mrs. Scott Hassevoort, of Spring Lake, was a fund-raiser for HUMANITY FOR PRISONERS, it might raise a few eyebrows. But that’s not all about young Hassevoort that raises eyebrows. He races vintage snowmobiles, in an adult world, and he has a garage full of trophies!

Last year, he agreed to accept pledges on behalf of HUMANITY FOR PRISONERS, a 501c3 advocacy agency based in Grand Haven. Hassevoort and his family attend the same church as HFP President Doug Tjapkes. In 2009 he raised nearly $2,000 for the organization, winning either first or second place every time he raced!

This year he repeated the offer. He races a 1978 Yamaha 300 Enticer on an oval track on Tamarack Lake near Lakeview, Michigan. The events are sponsored by Big Extreme Vintage Racing Association (BEVRA). The first races were held Saturday, January 19, and he participated in three categories: Stock A, Stock B, and Super Stock A. And he won big: Stock A, first place trophy; Stock B, second place; Super Stock A, first place trophy!

The next event is scheduled for Saturday, January 30. Everyone is welcome to submit pledges by calling the HFP office in Grand Haven, Michigan: 616.935.0075, or by sending an email to thedouger@chartermi.net.


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