Something’s wrong when we want to save dogs and cats, but tell prisoners to “go to hell!”

Organizations are making their final appeals for year-end donations, especially those agencies focused on the animal kingdom. There are organizations to rescue cats and dogs, to offer adoption of puppies and kittens, to save endangered species…and the list goes on and on. 

I must first make clear that I’m not condemning or even making light of such organizations. I know that when it comes to all creatures great and small, the Lord God made them all. 

But, God also created every incarcerated man and woman; created them in his very own image. 

I’m going to talk about dollars here for a few minutes…not my favorite topic. One of my friends says he’d rather clean toilets then to ask for money. A preacher friend says he’d rather prepare a sermon on the 7th Commandment than to expound on church budget needs. 

HUMANITY FOR PRISONERS has a goal of $72,000 for our year-end appeal. Money has been raised by our Development Committee to match all year-end gifts. If you donate $100, we get $200! We must still raise some $20,000 to reach our goal. 

My son Matt, when he was CEO of HFP, contended that it would be easier to raise funds for puppies and kittens. He’s absolutely correct, and that’s what makes it so difficult to ask for money to assist persons locked in cages. 

The problem grows in intensity when our President-elect tells incarcerated people to go to hell!  Donald Trump told 37 people on death row who had their sentences commuted by Joe Biden to “go to hell” the other day in a sharply worded Christmas Day social media post. 

I hear the same type of sentiments from some fellow Christians. 

I suggest they also listen to the words of one of my favorite preachers, Dr. Richard Mouw, who asks: “How does he know that there is not one or more in that group who was a ‘vilest offender' who now ‘truly believes’ and who has received a full divine pardon for all sins committed?” 

Since I started this organization 23 years ago, my thoughts have made a U-turn regarding the incarcerated. We must keep in mind that about 90% of them are going to be released someday and could very well become a neighbor. 

That’s why I contend that money given to HFP in our year-end appeal, as well as throughout the year, is not a donation…it’s an investment! 

There’s still time to make your investment in the lives of fellow humans living behind bars by supporting the only agency that spends all of its time trying to help these men and women when they don’t know where to turn, compassionately explaining to each one of them that they matter! 

We’ve already touched the lives of about one-third of the Michigan prison population. We must not weaken now! Check our web site: 

How does God feel about the incarcerated? In all their crimes, in all their baggage, in all their hurt, in all the pain they have caused, and in all their sin; He loves them. Just as He loves you and me. Dr. Romney Ruder, Lifeline Global Ministries.


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