Three lives, connected by a divine thread

My kids say it should be a book! The Doug, Pat and Mark story is a doozie! 

About 25 years ago, while fighting to free Maurice Carter from prison, I read a newspaper column written by Pat Shellenbarger of the Grand Rapids Press on the topic of eyewitness identification. I contacted Pat re that story. That led to a friendship between Doug and Pat that continues to this day. 

In subsequent months, Pat would go on to assist me in an investigation into the Maurice Carter case that eventually led to solving the crime. That particular episode became a chapter in my book about the Carter case, SWEET FREEDOM, published in 2006. 

Fast forward to 2009, A New York businessman claims wrongful conviction, and while serving time in a Michigan prison is handed a copy of my book. Mark Hartman, who was also convicted in Berrien County, was amazed at the similarity of these two stories and tried to reach out to me. His letters bounced. 

Persisting in his efforts to contact the author, Mark reached out to Pat Shellenbarger at the GR Press, asking him to forward a message to me. Pat showed me the letter, Noting that Mark was nearby in one of the Muskegon facilities, I chose not to respond by letter...I made a prison visit. 

That led to a beautiful friendship between Doug Tjapkes and Mark Hartman that continues to this day. 

Before completing his 12 years behind bars, Mark would go on to complete college-level programs with Prison Fellowship and Calvin Prison Initiative. Meanwhile, he and I communicated on a regular basis, and I introduced him to a couple of preacher friends as well. 

Fast forward once again. Following his release from prison and his one-year parole period, Mark learned of a vacancy at HUMANITY FOR PRISONERS. He applied for the position, and in 2023 assumed his duties as only the third CEO in HFP history! 

We’ve often said that no one will ever know how many lives were touched or changed by Maurice Carter. But, there’s an interesting sideline here. One wonders how many "stories-within-the-story" there are? Like how Pat Shellenbarger got to know Doug Tjapkes….like how that relationship led to a friendship with Mark Hartman…like how that friendship brought about a life-changing future for Mark! And for HFP! 

No human could have written this script. 

Providence has wider issues in mind than merely our personal comfort or gain.

Derek Thomas





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