Is God still on His throne?
Pastor Nate actually quoted me in one of his sermons a while back. He reflected on one of the lowest periods of my life. I nearly died as the result of a stubborn staph infection in 2010, lost 65 pounds, and was on a feeding tube for 6 months. During that time, a very good friend---a prisoner whom I had helped to attain freedom---not only reoffended and was returned to jail. While there, he took his own life.
It was at that time that Nate, during one of his pastoral visits with me, asked for my reaction to all of this. My reply: “God is still on his throne.”
On this 4th of July (I’ve seen 85 of them now!), as I reflect on everything in the newspaper today, I suppose it’s fair to ask if God is still there?
As Pastor John Pavlovitz pointed out in an email message this morning:
This has
been a bad week for diverse humanity.
It has been
a bad week for vulnerable people.
It’s been a
bad week for racial equity.
It’s been a
bad week for people buried in debt.
And, it’s
been a bad week for those of us who grieve the erasing of so much progress in
such a short time.
I really like John Pavlovich! After he got fired from a mega church in North Carolina in 2022, he started what he called the Empathetic People Network. He daily encourages people to give a damn.
The things troubling my soul are not only those national concerns, however. There are issues that are very personal.
My very own
denomination has made some decisions that hurt people. And that hurts me!
The county that I love is taken over by extremists, and the loveliest and fastest-growing county in the State of Michigan suddenly becomes the laughingstock of the State of Michigan!
As is my wont during troubled times, I go to music. I love to hear Lynda Randle sing this one:
the God on the mountain
still God in the valley
things go wrong
make them right
the God of the good times
still God in the bad times
God of the day
still God in the night
Music and Lyrics by Tracy G. Dartt
On July 4, 2023, we must not weaken. I conclude with Pastor John’s words:
We need to be emboldened
to show up: to be the barriers to hatred, to be the joyful noise makers, to be
a visible and vocal presence that will not allow people to be erased or
Today, let us be burdened
to let freedom ring wherever we find ourselves.
Be encouraged.