Who has sinned, this prisoner or his parents?

So what’s the big deal?  Another prisoner died.  He was only a sex offender.

And that, boys and girls, IS the big deal!

In my previous blog, I pointed my finger at the State of Michigan.  And rightly so.  After all, Mr. M. went to a prison doctor in 2012 complaining about coughing up blood.  The doctor asked him if he was anxious, and he replied in the affirmative, as would just about anyone coughing up blood.  So, he sent the inmate to a psychologist.  Three years later, after numerous requests, Mr. M. finally was given medical tests, only to learn that he had lung cancer and less than two years to live!

I’m still troubled over his death, and today I’m pointing the finger at you and me.

I hear it time and again:  He got what he had coming to him.  No, he didn’t!  His cancer was not detected, and his cancer worsened, because of poor medical care.  His punishment for the alleged offense (I say alleged because the man claimed innocence) was incarceration.   We may not, nay, we must not add to the punishment by denying appropriate medical care!  The constitution says so.

For those of us following Jesus, the issue is even more condemning.  You’ll hear people of faith say, “the judge didn’t give that man a death sentence, but God saw to it!”  We completely forget that the Master debunked that theory while he was still here on earth, when his disciples saw a blind guy and asked him, “Who sinned?  This man, or his parents?”

The state will only begin to show compassion when you and I, the registered voters of Michigan, start showing compassion.



David said…
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Justice4Dan said…
I agree, the voters of Michigan need to show compassion for those behind bars.....and let's vote for a better treatment for all.

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