And IF we're Easter People, it's time to show it!

In my Easter blog this year, I made reference to a delightful Avery and Marsh song that Marcia and I have loved ever since we attended their workshop eons ago.

Ev'ry morning is Easter morning
from now on!
Ev'ry day's resurrection day,
the past is over and gone!

Goodbye guilt, goodbye fear, good riddance!
Hello Lord, Hello sun!
I am one of the Easter People!
My new life has begun!

I am so impressed that, on Ash Wednesday, so many people are not ashamed to wear the sign of the cross smeared on their foreheads.

I am so impressed that, on Easter morning, so many people who aren’t all that interested in church during the year, feel that it is important to get to the Easter service.

That tells me that many people are not ashamed of what this Jesus stood for.  And if that is the case, and if every day is “resurrection day” from now on, then those of us who call ourselves “Easter People” must not be ashamed to

-stand with the victims of war;
-stand with homeless refugees;
-stand with immigrants;
-stand with battered women;
-stand with the mentally and physically challenged
-stand with victims of all types of discrimination
-stand with victims of religious persecution (all religions!);
-stand with victims of racial hatred;
-stand with the poor and homeless, without condemnation;
-stand against the death penalty;
-stand against mass incarceration;

And this one is especially important to me---

Stand with men, women and children behind bars, regardless of guilt or innocence, regardless of the severity of the alleged offense.

Then we can sing the last two verses of the song!

Daily news is so bad it seems the
Good News seldom gets heard.
Get it straight from the Easter People:
God's in charge! Spread the word!

Yesterday I was bored and lonely;
but today look and see!
I belong to the Easter People!
Life's exciting to me!


Ev'ry morning is Easter morning
from now on!
Ev'ry day's resurrection day,
the past is over and gone!


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