Holy Week, not all that nice for many prisoners

I live in a broken world.  Many of my friends are behind bars, and for many of them life isn’t all that great. 

While visiting in a Muskegon prison last night, one guy came to me to thank me for trying to help, even though I had done absolutely no good.  He has torn something in his leg, and so he hobbles along in pain.  Not only can he not get adequate pain medication, he can’t persuade anyone to approve the necessary surgery to repair this injury.  God knows we tried, all the way to the regional prison doctor and the warden of the facility.  I don’t know what else to do for the guy but to pray.

During the prison service last night I sat next to a man I’ve been trying to help for years.  Other than finding him an attorney who cares and who is now working on his case, I have done very little for him.  His conscience has dictated some activity in prison that has been very beneficial to law enforcement.  In fact, he was promised that if he testified in a court case, efforts would be made to have him re-sentenced so that he would be able to see freedom.  Well, he provided the necessary testimony and the state got a conviction.  But, the state then reneged on its promise.  Years later, he’s still wondering when he’ll get that hope for freedom.  I don’t know what else to do for the guy but to pray.

This morning I received an email message from a man I know in another Michigan facility.  He just received divorce papers.  Needless to say, relationships are more than difficult to maintain when one partner is in prison.  I love the man.  I love his wife.  I don’t know what else to do for the guy but to pray.

All of this is on my mind on the Monday morning of Holy Week…a time when we remember that our Lord experienced the worst injustice of all, and eventually was wrongly convicted and executed.

It’s in his name that I’ll be praying for these friends and many more this week.

I know he’ll understand.


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