The HFP roller coaster rides again

Here's the roller coaster that Matt and I rode on, in the very front seat, today in the office of HUMANITY FOR PRISONERS.

Thank you for your help. You are a great example of helping others. I pray that I only honor that by helping others, too!

I still have not been in to see the Dr. since the colonoscopy and the pain in my side while subsided somewhat is not gone and flares its ugly head on occasion. No help with the under-active thyroid either. The last couple of days have been bad but today so far is better thank you Jesus!

The Warden's Forum approved the donation for $1000.00 to HUMANITY FOR PRISONERS. It was approved by the Warden and everyone. The funds have been approved and will be deducted first before any funds are spent in the next budget to cover all approved budget requests and approvals for the year.

On Monday they came and told Ms. R. her mom was here for a visit, did she want to go see her. Of course she got very excited and said yes. About an hour later they came back and told her that her mom just called but said she was not going to come see her. She cried and cried and cried. It was so sad. Not sure why they play these games with a mentally ill inmate.

FINALLY! I arrived at a different facility yesterday. Terrible bus ride but anything was worth getting out of hell. It's pole barns, 7 men to a cube. But, I know quite a few guys here and I think this place is laid back. No gang activity or stealing, mostly old guys like me.

They took Ms. M off all machines, she is a vegetable as a result of the mistreatment here. I guess MDOC is discharging her now. Her family still goes to see her in the hospital.

I am truly honored that you have picked my story, because as you can see. I have been trapped in the belly of the beast without any help. I thought that I would never get the chance to tell my story. I really appreciate the help - God knows I do!!

A prisoner said when she opened her door to her cell there was a huge POP! Then her TV went out and the sprinkler system went off. This facility has too many people using this old electricity in these units. We are overloading what we have. I see this as a huge problem in the future especially when they are saying they might make the TV room in the west side units 16 man cells. There isn't enough electricity to run an iron, TV, dvd, and two microwaves let alone for prisoners using curling irons, hair dryers, and all the other electrical things we use everyday. Something has to be done before many prisoners get hurt.

You couldn't write a script like this!

Pray for prisoners.

Pray for the work of HFP.


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