Making music with my friends

72 years ago my mom and dad found a deal on a used Everett full-size upright piano, a giant of an instrument that required groaning and grunting to get it shoehorned into our upstairs apartment. Little did they know that starting me on music lessons at age 4 would brighten the rest of my life with the amazing miracle of music.

Theologians speak highly of music, saying it's the one thing that we enjoy here on earth that we'll still enjoy in eternity. Martin Luther stated that "Next to the Word of God, the noble art of music is the greatest treasure in the world."

Starting at a very early age, some of my neatest experiences have been with groups of singers or instrumentalists gathered around a piano, and it's still that way.

This evening I'll be joined by John Mulder and his brother David, our son-in-law Lee Ingersoll, and Cal Olson---wonderful musicians, all---for another jam session. We call it Pickin' & Grinnin' in jest, but it's our simple way to praise God with delightful arrangements of favorite gospel tunes. These guys do this at their own expense to raise funds for HFP, true...but they also do it because it's just plain fun!

If you're in the area, I hope you'll join us at Sunshine Community Church in GR, 6 to 8 PM. No charge, bur generous gifts hoped for. Delicious cheese cake and Dutch banket for your dessert treats. A small silent auction.

Bill Gaither said it best:

Loving God, loving each other
Making music with my friends.
Loving God, loving each other
And the story never ends.


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