When two or three are gathered

That simple little promise in scripture has deep meaning for me. In my 75 years on this earth, I have had some rich experiences in small groups of worship.

I participated in a worship service for Viet Cong prisoners in the Central Highlands of South Vietnam.

Two singers and I took communion in a storefront church in a San Juan ghetto where the only music was the pastor, singing unaccompanied and on perfect pitch, The Lord's Prayer.

As the director of HIS MEN, I took the concert to an audience of one person in the hollers of Appalachia, when an 80 year old woman wasn't well enough to get to our program.

The same male chorus went down into the bowels of the giant San Juan Penitentiary to sing for prisoners living in conditions not acceptable for most of mankind.

I learned early in my life that a large audience was not a necessary ingredient for something spiritually meaningful.

All of these experiences, and many more, came to my mind this week when I read a letter from a Michigan inmate: "We are in the 4th year of our daily evening sharing table for Christians and non-Christians who live in our unit. We have 5 regular attendees, and 6 others who often show up. God is blessing men in this daily support group regularly. We first pray, then read a daily devotion and discuss its meaning for us personally. We share what's doing in each of our lives, then pray for each of our needs. HE shows up regularly and blesses all who are there. We're doing discipling by example, showing the men around us that not all Christians are hypocrites as so many of the men here believe they are. Please remember our little group in your prayers."

Tom gets it...he sees the depth of God's promise.

Join me in remembering this group in our prayers.


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