'Tis the gift to think of others...

My friend Brett's life took a sharp turn recently. He lives on death row in Ohio, and since his arrest in 1997 he's been trying to prove his innocence. He believed that an execution date would be delayed as the courts debate the question of cruelty by using lethal injection. But without warning, earlier this month, the State of Ohio announced his execution date: April 7, 2009!

Said Brett in a letter to me today: It's taking some getting used to for me...I had anticipated I had at least a year or so before I had to worry about this. It is hard to wrap my mind around my new life expectancy!

But then he went on...

I know this might sound stupid or idiotic, but right now I am trying to enjoy what might be my last Christmas. I am trying really hard to not let the state ruin it for me. It is funny the things that become important, but for some reason enjoying Christmas and the full Christmas spirit is important to me!!?? Go figure!

Would you be willing to help brighten his holiday season?

Just send a simple greeting card, or a short hand-written note of encouragement to:

Mr. Brett Hartman
P.O. Box 1436
Youngstown, OH 44501.

Somehow I think it will make a difference in your observance of the season!

Bless you for being on our team!

Doug Tjapkes, President
20 W. Muskegon Avenue
Muskegon, MI 49440


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