Prisoners: Not people, just commodities locked in a warehouse!
Instead of brutality, prisons could be a place to instill dignity and a sense of worth That headline says it all. It’s the caption on a recent piece written by a prominent attorney for The Star-Ledger, of Newark, New Jersey. Says Charles McKenna : “Our prison system is designed to demean, degrade and dehumanize. Prisons treat inmates as commodities in a warehouse and not people.” Comments made by HUMANITY FOR PRISONERS clients in recent weeks prompt me to beat on this old drum one more time. Currently, Michigan’s corrections budget is about $2 billion a year. We could be doing so much better! My hero, Bryan Stevenson of Equal Justice Initiative, tells it like it is: “Incarcerated people are beaten, stabbed, raped, and killed in facilities run by corrupt officials who abuse their power with impunity. People who need medical care, help managing their disabilities, mental health and addiction treatment, and suicide prevention are denied care, ign...