Elephant in the room: Child support!
A recent story in the Wall Street Journal highlights a serious problem facing prisoners : child support payments. Writer Howard Husock focuses on Black men behind bars, and chooses to blame Kamala Harris for overlooking the problem. We take a much broader approach. This is a problem facing all incarcerated men, regardless of color, and attention to this serious problem should be extended to more than just political candidates. Here’s the situation in a nutshell. Fathers have no way of making child support payments while incarcerated. Then, when they get released, reality hits them in the face with a frustrating combination of a prison record plus child support payments. The National Institute of Justice reports that, “one of the biggest obstacles to reentry is the size of a parent’s child support debt, which averages $20,000 to $36,000, depending on the state and the data used.” So, these guys get out of prison, and if, with a stroke of luck they’re ...