Convicted of a sex crime? Don't expect a good time in prison!
Persons accused of committing sex crimes have a difficult time behind bars. That’s no surprise, because negative attitudes toward alleged sex offenders are prevalent. People on the street don’t like these people, corrections officers don’t like them, prisoners don’t like them. Let’s face it, our friends sitting right next to us in church don’t like them! Before I deal with the subject of this blog, however, it’s important to stress a few very important points. Criminal sexual conduct charges cover an exceptionally wide variety of alleged offenses. We know of actual cases in which a man was spotted urinating in a dark alley, arrested on a charge of indecent exposure and actually sentenced to prison! We know of numerous cases of wrongful conviction , often stemming from marital or family disputes, when someone choses to get even by accusing a person of molesting a child. We know of numerous cases involving consensual sex with someone b...