It wasn't a worship service, but God was present!
Somehow it felt like worship. There was no sermon. There were no prayers. Religion wasn’t the topic for the day. Perhaps it’s just that God was there. Former HFP Board Chairman Dan Rooks and I were in prison yesterday. We made the long drive to Gus Harrison Correctional Facility in Adrian, at the request of the local chapter of the National Lifers of America. We’ve done this presentation quite often now, and each time it’s a pleasurable experience. I talk about HUMANITY FOR PRISONERS, what we try to do for prisoners and also what we absolutely cannot do. Dan, a clinical psychologist, takes the podium for the second half of our dog and pony show with an actual heavy-duty lecture on anger management. Now one would suspect that putting together nearly 100 prisoners on a Saturday afternoon, sitting on hard bleachers in a noisy gymnasium, there might be a problem keeping the attention and the interest of the audience. Some guy...