Some days it's not much fun in this office!
We promise to try to help any Michigan prisoner dealing with an in-prison problem. If we can. And that’s a big “if.” Today Matt and I haven’t been much help. A prisoner tells us by email that a car ran over him before he went to prison. Says the inmate: I haven't gotten any therapy or anything, they just gave me a booklet of things I should do. I got a limp, my ankles hurt, and swell up. They won't give me a shoe detail or anything. I've ask them to give me some shoes but they deny me for everything. We checked with one of our doctors regarding the injury. Nothing more that can or should be done. We checked with a former MDOC official regarding the procedure: Shoes aren’t all that great. He should carefully read that booklet. Another inmate tells us about the transfer of prisoners from an Upper Peninsula facility that was recently closed, to a recently re-opened unit just down the street. There is fiberglass ins...