Just another day? Not in a heart-beat!

It was a religious experience! That’s the only way I can describe it. And there were only five people in attendance. Let me explain. As a full-time advocate for prisoners, I savor the opportunity to witness that rare occasion when an inmate steps into the free world. My friend Joe Evans was due to be released from prison after 39 years behind bars. He has been serving a life sentence for a dastardly crime committed in his youth while high on drugs and alcohol. Now, he’s a changed man. Sensing that this might be a very special occasion, I invited videographer Dirk Wierenga to join with me. Dirk is producing a professional documentary about the work and the mission of HUMANITY FOR PRISONERS. We were not disappointed. The location for this little program was 3100 Cooper Street, Jackson, Michigan…right at the front door of the Cooper Street Correctional Facility. Joe is 61 now…his elderly mom and his cousin, who s...