Many prisoners deserve pardons. January 6 rioters ain’t among them!
As a veteran broadcast journalist and editorial writer, significant dates often prompted me to write pieces encouraging thought on a given topic. As an octogenarian I nearly let January 6 slide by this year. But, media headlines finally got to me. So here goes! I picked up my copy of the Detroit News today and spotted this front page headline: Jan. 6 Trump pardons could aid dozens from Mich. I’m very familiar with pardons. My life is devoted to helping prisoners, and there are many, many men and women in Michigan who deserve pardons. First, let me give a quick explanation as to the meaning of this word. When a president or a governor grants a pardon, that simply means that a previously convicted person is relieved of guilt and punishment. For those of you who do not know me, I started an organization 23 years ago called HUMANITY FOR PRISONERS. I, and my team, find that many people locked up in Michigan are worthy of consideration for pardons. Co...